I have finally decided on buying the iPod classic, 160 gb. I am worried about how long the battery lasts though. I listen to my MP3 player A LOT. I change to different songs a lot as well - can't help it, lol. I wont be using the video much, mostly music.
How long do you think, an average, on how long the battery will last? Can anyone recommend tips on how to make the battery last as long as I can.How to take good care of ipod classic battery?Just playing music, one battery charge lasts longer than any other iPod. When changing songs, the backlight will come on so keeping that dimmer will extend the charge significantly. For overall life expectancy, that battery will last years. It's a good idea to occasionally let it drain completely before recharging. There are lots of helpful tips at Apple.com and GeekSquad.com. Congratulations on your new iPod! I know you'll love it as much as I love mine.How to take good care of ipod classic battery?The iPod touch's battery life according to Apple will last for 36 hours when playing MP3s. If you're looking for ways to get the most life out of your iPod touch battery, here are some tips from http://ipod.about.com/od/introductiontotheipod/tp/ipod-touch-battery.htm
Or if you want longer batteries, then get a Fueltank Uno. They are on sale right now.