Monday, September 19, 2011

How do I change the battery connections on a 94 Ford Explorer?

My car won't start. Have lights and radio though. When I try to start it, the lights and radio disappeaar. If I wait approx. 10 minutes they are back. I'm thinking it is the battery connections. Do I also need to replace the battery cables? Also, is it easy to do?How do I change the battery connections on a 94 Ford Explorer?Start by cleaning the connections and trying it again. Sometimes just putting Jumpers on a top post battery gives it better clamping power and gets you going. Don't change the cables until you have tried the FREE options first.How do I change the battery connections on a 94 Ford Explorer?You can change the connection ends. It is easy, or even better is to change thewhole lead. Have you checked to insure you have a good clean, tigh ground as well?
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