Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How long must I drive to recharge the battery to recover the power used by starting the car?

Starting a car engine takes a certain amount of power from your car battery. How long does it typically take for the car's alternator to charge the battery back up to pre-start levels?How long must I drive to recharge the battery to recover the power used by starting the car?It usually depends on the vehicle you have. For Example: a small 4 cylinder engine doesn't take the same cranking amps as a 8 cylinder diesal engine. But for most vehicles with no starting or battery problems. On most cars except big block diesals and v8's, it usually takes no longer than 5 to 10 minutes of running to fully recover your battery's charge.How long must I drive to recharge the battery to recover the power used by starting the car?20 minutesHow long must I drive to recharge the battery to recover the power used by starting the car?answer one is generally correct, however, would depend upon what size alternator your vehicle has, and if you turn on other systems while recharging, such as the radio, AC, head lights.

Without turning any electric systems on, an alternator in good shape, battery in good shape, and a well tuned car, should not take more than 10 minutes to replace the AMPS used starting the engine