Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How can i install an auxaultary battery in my car?

well the reason why i ask this question because i tried one i placed a battery in my trunk thought should get full powerfor it so i connected it to the battery terminals with very heavy wires for no power loss butt after a few days my car power generator stoped working. some one told me that it was because of the AUX battery some one else told me that what i did was ok but the AUX battery should be full charged befor you place it in the trunk, for to work properly.

Is he rite or is there any thing else i can do.How can i install an auxaultary battery in my car?big thing is wiring it in parallel NOT series

when wired in series it will put out 24 v not 12ish

the should be connected positive to positive negative to negative

Not like putting bateries in a flashlight + to -How can i install an auxaultary battery in my car?Many vehicles are made with 2 batteries, and when set up correctly, it should make no difference at all. It would probably be best to have the batter charges when pin the system. But the key is making sure its done right and through. If you have room, place it in your engine compartment. Make sure its connected right, Positive (+) to Postitive and Negative (-) to Negative. if you daisy chain them ( + to - ) then you create a 12 volt system...this is bad.How can i install an auxaultary battery in my car?I don't know if this will help you because most searches i found are for campers and vans but i do know that you're going to need a few things for this and it is a long process to describe so for more info click the links. you will need thing like a auxiliary fuse block which you can get from J.C. Whitney. Auxiliary Battery Relay kit is also needed.


email me if this doesn't help... my grandpa is a large diesel mechanic and a master electrician and I know he'll know the answer for sure!How can i install an auxaultary battery in my car?Hooking up an extra battery will cause no trouble if done right. As others have said, series will cause 24 volts.Bad idea. Positive to positve, negative to negative.

If you wish to use this as a backup, in case your other battery should ever fail, then wire the auxillary battery to a solenoid, that is controlled by the ignition switch. That way, it will come on when the key is on, and will be charged by the alternator, yet won't go dead with the main battery. You could jam the stereo till the main went real low, turn the key on and have full power.
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