If a superconductor has a resistance of zero - then from ohms law the potential difference must be zero. If there is no potential difference how can current flow from the battery?What happens if I attach a battery to a superconductor circuit?The battery does have a potential difference between its terminals , the superconductor simply has no resistance .Put a superconductor between the battery terminals and a very large current flows for a brief time, thereafter , you simply have a superconductor connected to a high resistance. .What happens if I attach a battery to a superconductor circuit?DDD - Superconductors really do have zero resistance, not just extremely low resistance.What happens if I attach a battery to a superconductor circuit?There will still be a potential difference between the positive and negative points.
Any current in the battery must flow through the internal resistance. The internal resistance is in series with the voltage of the battery, causing an internal voltage drop. With no current flow, the voltage drop is zero; thus, the full battery voltage is developed across the output terminals.
As you connect the battery over the superconductor the current flow would only be limited by the internal resistance of the battery.
A torch battery has an internal resistance of around 0.1 ohms and a car battery about 0.001 ohms.What happens if I attach a battery to a superconductor circuit?The battery will have some internal resistance that will limit the current with the zero ohms of the superconductor. Current will flow in a perfect superconductor even with no voltage. i = v/rWhat happens if I attach a battery to a superconductor circuit?even super conductors have resistance... just exceedingly low resistance, and ohm's law isn't true, it's mostly an approximation. But in answer to your question, taking your premise. As you no doubt know ohm's law states I=V/R, therefore as R decreases, and Potential Difference V remains constant (given this is an EMF), I Increases. As R-%26gt;0, I-%26gt; infinity. Until there is no more potential difference, IE you wear out your battery...