Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to build a parallel battery using lemons?

I want to use a home made parallel battery using lemons. I have galvanized nails, copper wire, lemons, and pennies. I want to make an LED light light up. My science teacher said it should work, but I'm confused on how to build the parallel circuit. PLEASE HELP!How to build a parallel battery using lemons?You need four lemons to build 4 cells,then series them to get enough voltage to light a LED.

Insert nail and thick flat copper wire into lemon as deep as they can. Place nail and copper wire as close as they can but do not let them touch together. Now copper wire is negative pole and nail is positive post. Connect first lemon cell copper wire to second lemon cell nail, 2nd cell copper to 3rd. cell nail ......until the 4th cell. Connect LED anode to first cell nail, LED cathod to 4th. cell copper.LED shall be lighted up.How to build a parallel battery using lemons?A parallel circuit alone probably won't help. Connecting batteries in parallel adds together their amperage. Light emitting diodes, or at least the small ones, do not draw much amperage at all. Batteries in series adds together the voltage, which would be more helpful in this case, but given how little electricity lemon batteries produce, I would suggest you use a circuit of both series AND parallel circuits to wire the lemon batteries together, giving you both the voltage and amperage you need to light the LED. You would probably connect like, four lemons together with the copper on one to the zinc of another, make a few of those strings of four, and then connecting the copper ends of the strings to each other, and the zinc ends of the string to each other. Of course, you may need more or less in series.